Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Council Officers

Council Officers 2019-20
Grand Knight - The grand knight is the highest ranking elected officer of his council and is responsible for observing the laws of the Order and his council. The office of grand knight is one that is rich in opportunities to serve his fellow Knights and to lead his council in service to family, Church and community. Additionally, the grand knight must ensure the membership, insurance and programming growth of his council and the involvement of all its members.

Jeff Lopez
Chaplain - The priest chosen to serve the council as chaplain will primarily act as spiritual advisor to the brother knights and families of that council. Since he will more than likely have a full time ministry demanding the major part of his time and effort, no specific duties with regards to running the council have been assigned to him. He is expected, however, to make a report at council meetings.

Fr. Dustin Schultz
Deputy Grand Knight - The deputy grand knight is the second in command in the council. He is also elected annually, assists the grand knight in the operation of council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned to him by the grand knight. In the absence of the grand knight, the deputy grand knight presides at council meetings and functions as the grand knight would.

Joseph Klingler
Chancellor - The chancellor is elected annually to serve the council in a variety of ways. Primarily, he assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both.

Matt Rees
Lecturer - The lecturer is appointed by the grand knight to provide suitable educational and entertaining programs under the “Good of the Order” section of the council meeting. The “Good of the Order” may include such items as speakers, presentations on special topics, etc. The lecturer is responsible for presenting the “Good of the Order’’ section at council meetings.

Recorder - The recorder is responsible for keeping a true record of all the actions of the council and maintains all correspondence of the council.

Jason Bramley
Financial Secretary - The Financial secretary’s duties revolve around two key areas of council activities: financial records and membership records. The financial secretary collects and receives all moneys that come into the council from any source. He then turns that money over to the treasurer for deposit in the council account.

Luke Filosa
Treasurer - The treasurer is the elected official in charge of handling all council funds. He receives money from the financial secretary and issues a receipt for such. He is also responsible for depositing all money in the proper council accounts and providing a voucher or certificate of deposit to the grand knight for each transaction.

Tim Abel
The Advocate - The advocate is the parliamentarian for the council. He need not be a member of the legal profession; however, he should be thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the “Charter, Constitution and Laws’’ and with the council by-laws. When a by-law is to be revised, the advocate serves as chairman of the revision committee.

Rich Staley
Warden - The warden is responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property, except that which belongs to the financial secretary. He sets up the council chambers for meetings and degrees and appoints and supervises guards for ceremonial exemplifications.

The warden should also oversee the inside and outside guards and make sure they are fulfilling the duties assigned to them.

Dave Blaser
Inside Guard - Guards the inner doors of the council chamber, checking on current membership cards before allowing entrance.

Shawn Long

Outside Guard - Guards the outside doors of the council chamber, checking on current membership cards before allowing entrance.

Rich Thomas

One Year Trustee - Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semiannual audits and oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The grand knight is the chairman of the board.

Tony McCauley
Two Year Trustee - Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semiannual audits and oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The grand knight is the chairman of the board.

John Fruin
Three Year Trustee - Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semiannual audits and oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The grand knight is the chairman of the board.

Guy DiCiaula
District Deputy #61

David Newmister

Copyright 2010 - Knights of Columbus, Fr. Joseph Boylan, Jr. Council 15175