Sunday, February 16, 2025




Business Meetings:
Are held once a month on the 1st Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the shed at St. Patrick Church of Merna.
Meetings are open to all Knights in good standing who can present their current membership card.

A typical Council meeting will last approximately 90 minutes but may vary depending upon the time of year and amount of business to be conducted. For more information about the contents of a regular meeting, please refer to the outline of a meeting as established in our By-Laws.

While council meeting attendance is voluntary, the active attendance of our membership is a vital component to the continuation of our Council. By simply attending you will learn what's happening at Fr. Joseph Boylan, Jr. Council, come to understand how the Council works, meet new people, and discover ways that you can assist in the Council. Our Council Officers volunteer a tremendous amount of their time and energy. Meeting attendance is the best way you can show your appreciation for their efforts.

Are held once a month prior to the business meeting at 6:30pm in the shed at St. Patrick Church of Merna. During the year the council will conduct saying the rosary on the 8th day of each month for 8 hours. You can click on the council's website to sign up. The event is open to all family members, friends and parishioners. 


Monsignor Gregory K. Ketcham Memorial Golf Outing Hosted by the Knights of Columbus:
Where: Crestwicke Country Club 

When: TBA - Is always held the first Monday following Labor Day
Check in at 11:00am
Shot Gun Start Promptly at NOON 

TBA per Person - Includes Green Fees, Cart, Lunch & Dinner, Awards and Prizes

Lunch: Box lunch will be provided along with refreshments starting at 11:00 am.

Format: Four-Person Best Position

Prizes awarded for Low Team Score, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive for men and women.  There will also be a 50-50 drawing. 

Dinner: Pork Loin, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, roll 

Checks payable:
Knights of Columbus Council #15175 

Mail: Knight of Columbus Council #15175
PO Box 596
Bloomington IL 61702

For questions referring to the golf outing contact:
Luke Filosa: (309) 825-9720


Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Fund Drive – “Tootsie Roll Drive”:
Will be held usually the 3 weekend in September. One of the most popular and successful programs conducted by all Knights of Columbus Councils at the state and local level for the benefit of people with intellectual disabilities. This fund-raiser is where Fr. Joseph Boylan Jr., Council #15175 will be collecting at McDonalds on Empire, Avanti’s on Empire, and after Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Your participation is greatly appreciated for this event.

 Lenten Fish Fry:
The Council will be hosting a Fish Fry during the Lenten Season at Corpus Christi School, 1901 E. Lincoln in Bloomington. The meal will consist of all you can eat AYCE Fish, Baked Potatoe, Cole Slaw, Desserts and Refreshment. Cheese Pizza will be served for those not wanting fish. Check the bulletin for dates and times




















Copyright 2010 - Knights of Columbus, Fr. Joseph Boylan, Jr. Council 15175